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A moment with Chris Thompson

A myopic view of the world, my life, and anything else worth mentioning

Archive for the ‘Cheap Bastard’ Category

Cheap Bastard – March – Tip of the Month

Here’s a great way to get even with the airlines and be a cheap bastard. Thanks, Flight Crew 326 from Alaska Airlines Seattle to San Jose for the double cookie/pretzel order and triple drink order. Elizabeth, Jared, Selena you guys rock!

cheap bastard strikes again

Some CFO out there is scratching their head & trying to balance the books. This little stunt put them in the red for Q1

Cheap Bastard – January – Tip of the Month

OK folks, here’s the first Cheap Bastard – Tip of the Month. Join us here for savings tips, and feel free to send us your own. This video shows how to save 50% on fire logs, it’s only 15 seconds, enjoy you cheapskates!


Suggested by Chris

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