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A moment with Chris Thompson

A myopic view of the world, my life, and anything else worth mentioning

Remembering 9/11/2001

I’m glad I had the chance to visit the World Trade Center before the September 11th 2001 terrorist attacks. To the victims, heroes, and families of 9/11, our thoughts are with you today.

How to over clock iPhone 3GS on the fly

This is handy trick that I’m sure others have already come up with to over clock iPhone 3GS phones on the fly. As many of you probably already know, the iPhone 3GS is under clocked by default. There are numerous articles out there that already explain how to remove the under clock setting in your iPhone 3GS’s system configuration (this article will tell you as well). I just took it one step further and made bash scripts to automate the process.

Alright so first, you have to jailbreak your iPhone 3GS which is really easy to do, just go to the Wikipedia iOS jailbreak page and look up how to jailbreak the iOS version you are running on your iPhone 3GS. Once you jailbreak the device, you’ll want to install Cydia, which gets you all the other tools needed to complete this tech tip.

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Suggested by Chris

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